Saturday, May 2, 2015

“Tri-Union” forms of key and manifestation

Our testament as spirits in a material world that must ascend back into a state of transition from this earth between dimensions must rise above the divisions of the subject matter of religion and science and become one.

Religion and science are attempts to culturally and systematically define the reality and subject matter of human spiritual existence as expressed by the various groups on the planet living in specific geographic regions of the earth using varied terms, all having the same fundamental meanings to express collective universal realities. 

As one meditates on the “Theory of Spirituology” and researches to deduce its reality as holistic knowledge defined, the following “Tri-Unions” will reveal their relationships and expression in reality and philosophical approximations of nature definitely from one stage of manifestation to the next revealing all subject matter is related and not isolated as the current educational structure and categorization of knowledge advances. These are just several “Tri-Union” forms of key and manifestation:
Consciousness (Experience), Condition, Awareness

Unconscious State, Sub-conscious State, Waking State

Sun, Moon, Stars

Day, Evening, Night

Spirit, Soul, Ego (Body)

Birth, Life, Death

Heaven, Earth, Hell

Good, Neutral, Evil

Atman, Prakriti, Purusha

Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva

Ausar, Heru, Aset

Atum, Geb, Nut

Osiris, Horus, Isis

Apsu, Marduk, Tiamat

Anu, Enlil, Enki

Shamash, Tammuz, Ishtar

El, Ba’al, Asherah

Chaos, Uranus, Gaia

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades

Jupiter, Juno, Minerva

Saturn, Ceres, Ops

Spring, Autumn, Winter

Father, Son, Holy Ghost

God, Jesus, Virgin Mary

God, Man, Satan

Man, Child, Woman

Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom

Hot, Warm, Cold

Gas, Liquid, Solid

Energy, Acceleration, Mass

Octahedron (Air), Icosahedron (Water), Cube (Earth)

The equation “exp.=ca” expresses with relation to human consciousness on the level of metaphysics the application of “e=mc2“ in its manifestation as part of the Universal laws of the Cosmic that permeates physical existence or m, matter that is, c, accelerated, from e, energy, merges both spiritual and scientific subject matter by equating the value of the terms. With “energy” what the mystics will refer to as “spirit” being the primordial basis of “reality,” Einsten’s equation mirrored in the equation “exp.=ca” (experience = condition X awareness) explains the process by which conscious energy as spirit, Pure Consciousness, aggregates itself into experience of which reality is constantly becoming. 

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