"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
 - Albert Einstein

The Ministry of Spirituology as a cultural movement is unique in that it integrates logic from other fields of study including physical and natural science, with allusions to quantum theory, astronomy, psychology and historical references for contextualizing persons, places and events in establishing spiritual teaching as reality and not merely "belief". This is current with the rationalism of Religious Science. 

As the central ideological mechanism of the Association for Cultural Awareness (ACA), the interfaith Ministry of Spirituology is the core of the multi-cultural organization dedicated to raising ordained ministers who teach "spirituality" as a natural aspect of human culture from a basis of Afrikan-Khmt perception and advocate peace between the world's diverse spiritual communities through holistic education, research, dissemination of information and awareness activism. The ministry DOES NOT congregate individuals for worship of a Supreme Being in the traditional sense.

The Ministry of Spirituology declares as its main mission objectives to:


1. Contribute to the global initiative for Light work to promote the evolution of human consciousness.

2. Promote religious cultural understanding/tolerance and awareness of human spirituality with the aim of contributing to the advancement of the evolution of the collective human consciousness towards understanding of the Universal Cosmic Mind or "God."

3. Fortify the universal endeavor to transform the various cultures of the Earth into one planetary spiritual meta-culture.

4.  Form a platform where spirituality, science, culture and other relevant systems of human knowledge are studied and researched as a single objective subject matter.

5. Collaborate with the United Nations, UNESCO and other organizations sharing like objectives that seek to consolidate equitable coexistence and uphold the fundamental liberties enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

6. Initiate increased development of human consciousness on the African continent thereby developing the individual creative capacity for collective global development and sustainability.


The expression of religion is cultural and not vice-versa. As such the mode of expression - its rites  or acts of pageantry and symbolisms or beliefs, matter not from culture to culture as the basic fundamental link to natural behavior is universally applicable to all humanity and Cosmic principles of  existence.

Aspects of human behavior based on universal principles expressed in religion are not limited to, but include:



These aspects of human behavior are in fact aspects or expressions of CULTURE and so UNIVERSAL.

Seen through the understanding of CULTURAL PHENOMENON, no religion is superior to another as each merely expresses existential realities within the context of symbols and rites those within a particular context as initiates can understand as part of their natural behavior.

Culture is both LEARNED and ACQUIRED, but all of this behavior is derived from natural instincts and inclinations.

The human as a being evolved from the creational process has the capacity to realize and represent the union of consciousness in the universe. It is this “intelligence,” par say, which pervades the human as an aspect of the soul consciousness which must be properly developed before the transition of the personality.

Culture represents the collective evolution of human behavior as preserved. It fundamentally directs the collective consciousness of any group and the collective humanity, yet each individual decides what culture is or accepts with acquiescence how it is projected.

When improperly done as a collective, the whole harmonious procession of the universe is derailed and set on a destructive course, towards the age of Shiva so to speak. Invocation of a judgment on humanity. If the cultural programming is self-destructive, the same course is set for individual lives.


"The shared traditions, beliefs, customs, history, folklore and instructions of a group of people."

"Culture is shared by people of the same ethnicity, language, nationality or religion. It's a system of  rules that are at the base of what we are and affect how we express ourselves as part of a group and as  individuals."


ANY TRULY RELIGIOUS PERSON SHOULD BE “CULTURED” THEN IN THE SENSE OF BEING “CONSCIOUS.” (Unfortunately this is NOT often the case and religious people are often intolerant of adherents of other religions though presenting an ignorant hypocritical façade of love and desire for peace.)

Religion is defined as "the belief in the existence of a god or gods or a supernatural ruling power...." and more than often it is passed on as a "tradition" with its relevant "customs."


Religion interpreted as "culture" is sober and devoid of the "irrationality" found in the systems of the orthodox. Dogmatic interpretation of religion must conclude with FANATICISM.

It is this consequence of restraining the "free-will" from self-realization that causes an individual to see themselves alienated from reality with the whole of the created universe. Such a self-divorced person can justify committing suicide in the name of "belief" or killing others for their own diverse “beliefs" and perspective of reality motivating their behavior.

As spirituality is genuinely associated with "experience," the realization "beliefs" associated with “falsehoods" can also lead to "false experiences" must also be recognized. Though the experience is wholly "individual" and the person may conceive to have acquired perhaps even a shift in conscious or "enlightenment," the fact the experience was based on realities fabricated to justify an intention,  means its direction of purpose can never integrate with whole truth without its faulty genesis being  first exposed.

Spirituology expressly as a foundation study advocated by the ASSOCIATION FOR CULTURAL AWARENESS seeks to rationally present the evolving spiritual realizations of human behavior in relation to a universal understanding of cultural knowledge. Though an aspect of spirituology is research and study which proceeds to appreciation of "religion," it itself is not a religion. Nor does Spirituology present itself as a system under which individuals come together to worship a Supreme Being in the traditional sense. An individual capable of deciphering spirituology could freely apply various elements from several spiritual traditions and paths with sound scientific evidences and ration to formulate his or her effective natural practice of worship.

But granted Spirituology as a study of the experience of human consciousness, does not formulate any specific ritual for worship, but harmoniously analyzes the philosophies and practices of other spiritually based systems, it cannot be rightfully deemed a religion. SPIRITUOLOGY IS NOT A RELIGION. Spirituology is the study of the evolution of consciousness through research of culture.


In applying spirituology we must not congregate together for "worship" of a Supreme Being recognizing Pure Consciousness exists in all of us and as such we do not see ourselves externalized from God such that we must “idolize” it as an object of fear and adoration.

Human life in itself is a path of  initiation of individual Universal Consciousness into the three dimensional world to experience consciousness in the form of a corporeal being on route to transition back to the dimensions of which Pure Consciousness crystallized from. The practice of spirituology then is the fundamental focal point of everything we learn, attain and do in our day-to-day activities and interactions only we may not be fully aware of it. To he or she who is "awakened" LIFE itself is a continuous process of veneration of the divine, from waking to eating, thinking and acting all carry aspects of reflection of purpose. Love of life with a desire to understand and maintain the harmony between the dimensions of its manifestations is the way of he or she who follows the path of spirituology.

Every human being is spiritual, but may use variant terminology to recognize it, including the atheist who uses a fatalistic scientific worldview that precludes attributing the origins of existence to random chemical reactions resultant from what he or she considers to be a blind process. This "blind process"  however operates after the order of certain scientific laws like  gravity, motion, etc. in tune to the  Golden Ration, proving at last there is some "mind" even if it seems non-personal governing their self-perceived "God-less" universe. Atheism and God are reconciled in spirituology for it is a path where the conscious universe expresses a worldview of the possibility of "belief in nothingness as the value of its experience." The consciousnesses of both humans of either path are inevitably recycled and the experiences with all of their realization, fears and failures contributed to the collective consciousness.

Acknowledging the total control of God over reality, including those ideologies that may seem to contrast its existence, we demonstrate the highest love and tolerance for humanity. Not the amorous, or self-sacrificing kind of LOVE, but the one where individuals generally can feel responsible for one another and themselves pursuing a common aim to share the Light and awaken others in a non-sectarian manner. Combining this broad perspective of experience through a form of study and method, we can only refer to it as spirituology.

Studying spirituology then is valuable in that it causes the individual persons perception of culture to expand into integration of all of humanity as one meta-culture. This is the socio-spiritual structuring which permeated what is often referred to as the "ancient world", what descended and is revealed in the culture of the civilization of Khmt. The culture that created the Great Pyramids of the Giza plateau. Empowered with universal awareness, a person who has properly studied spirituology is prompted to initiate self-initiatives of rational activism towards humanitarian and other socio-cultural objectives. He or she answers the obligation of making the world a better place by improving on their community to enhance their lives by doing what they know they can and is necessary as activists of true love, unity and peace.

The "ministry" forms a primary or secondary point for those of us who already share this point of view and objective, whether members of a particular religion, faith, order, group or none at all, where we can feel free to share our reflections and research as well as meet others who "think differently" for the networking of our potentials to bring humanity to the state of Utopia we all aspire. Without becoming some orthodox institution or being sectarian, the Ministry of Spirituology evolves the practice of human spirituality as ancient as our souls recalls with direct guidance from the Universal Mind awakening those who are called one soul at a time.

We will forever remain as free as you know "God" made humanity giving us the right to at last gather in this divine association.

You are welcome,

Minister Nkanwi Fokwa Ambe - F.R.C., U.L.C., M.O.S.

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