Spirituology, being an all-encompassing path of human spiritual development cannot be exhausted in its ascent of individual study. The "path" is one that progresses throughout the awakened individuals' entire life and a majority of the lessons are not even read in books. A book can supply keys to a deeper understanding of what one will only experience later on in life to confirm what they had intellectually innerstood is actually emotionally and spiritually true. 

It is important as such then to possess the proper key so that upon arriving at the door, one will more easily be able to gain access to the next level of initiation of their consciousness. All individuals who reason with the concept advanced by the Ministry of  Spirituology are encouraged to research freely any and all subject matter that may appeal to their desire for adequate "knowledge of self" as they advance on their individual paths. 

Our ministry offers a 3 Degree Initiatory Course Curriculum which awakens soul awareness of its faculties, rapidly enhancing the personal development of the member. Below is a presentation of the Degree 1 Course Outline for "INTRODUCTION TO NATURALIST SPIRITUALITY". All official members must enroll in this course and complete it satisfactorily to be eligible for advancement in the ministry. A non-specific order of suggested research topics follows the Degree 1 Course to give a general scope of some of the topics the ministry provides academic tutorial on:






Course Description/Overview:

This course provides students with a conceptual appreciation of the spiritual logic of Universal Consciousness. Spirituology is the study of human consciousness as fraction of the “Conscious Universe” experiencing Reality from eternal multi-dimensional perspectives in an infinite natural process of existence. During this course the researcher of Spirituology will establish the relationship between themselves and their environment. Beyond just viewing oneself in just their social role, this degree completes an individual’s knowledge of self through exploration of their objective and subjective conscious experiences.  Through critical, thoughtful discussion and analysis, students will develop the analytical skills necessary to see the world from the Naturalist perspective of conscious energy or “spirit”, reconciling themselves to Reality, and the process of the Universe. The course will enable participants identify and critically evaluate important issues in the discipline in relation to current modalities and determinants of socio-economic and political developments, and their application to contemporary issues. Over the duration of the course, participants will explore a wide range of topics spanning many of the key themes such as what is “God” and the scope of spirituality, the mind and body relationship, the synchronicity of Reality, birth, life and death and issues that arise in the quest for socio-cultural, spiritual and psychological advancement in Africa.

Course Requirements/Expectations:

Participants are required to attend all scheduled lectures throughout the course session and actively participate in lecture tutorials. Lecture Tutorial participation and attendance are important, and it will be very difficult to do well in this course if you do not regularly attend lecture tutorials. Lastly, students must observe good conduct during all discussions, including being respectful of other students and instructors, their opinions, and by contributing to an atmosphere of scholarly decorum.



By the end of the course, students should be able to:

·         Identify and distinguish between authentic spiritual phenomenon and staged theatric masquerades intended to resemble paranormal experiences.

·         Explain the various concepts and terms that are relevant in Naturalist Spirituality

·         Describe spirituality in day-to-day experiences, actions and circumstances.

·         Examine and enhance the spiritual relationship between themselves and others to better effect community harmony

·         Identify and articulate the usefulness of Naturalist Spirituology to society.

·         Attain conscious harmony with Reality as an Infinite Natural System



Course delivery will be in the form of online Lecture Tutorials, dissemination of documentaries and other audio/visual resources, group presentations and tutorials. Participants registered and enrolled will receive one 2 hour lecture with a 1 hour tutorial each week for each course topic.


·         Degree Course Theoretical Assessment          25%

·         Degree Course Practical Assignment              25%

·         End of Degree Course Term Paper                 50%

           Total                                                                100%




Week 1: What is Spirituology?


Week 2: Introduction to the Archetypes or the gods


Week 3: Chakras, the Soul Body


Week 4: Beyond Just Energy


Week 5: The Illusion of Visual Perception, Colors and Light. Maya


Week 6: Introduction to Quantum Physics/Mechanics


Week 7: The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence, Introduction to Numerology


Week 8: Geographical Polarity (Relativity of Perception)


Week 9: Astrology: Before Astronomy


Week 10: Dimensions and Direction (Applying the Kabbala)


Week 11: OBE, NDE, Lucid Dreams: Astral Projection


Week 12: Transitional States: "If Soul Exists, then Consciousness Shifts."



Various sources will be provided during each lecture or tutorial and throughout the course.

Individuals seeking to perform duties as Ministers will complete the Degree 2: Introduction to Khmtology and Degree 3: Introduction to Xtianity, Course Curriculum to be raised for ordination. 

These 3 degrees  constitute what we present to the public of our accumulation of knowledge. Those who join our official members will be granted access to additional degrees of knowledge and SO MUCH MORE!!!


  1. That is a good list to start with. One tie to the Khemeti in what I am studying now is the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. This mentions Atlantis and Thoth's journey to the land of Khem. It speaks of the inner flame within each of us and becoming one with the all. If you would like I can post a link to the translation of the tablets.

  2. These are actually just the first three I've been able to put up. I'm researching to be able to add links to the topics so someone can read directly from the blog and do their research using it as a base. There are 10 total main section ending with studies in Sacred Geometry upon which the emblem used to represent Spirituology is based, Metatron's Cube, the STAR TETRAHEDRON which leads to study of the Golden Ration, Phi and the Fibonacci Sequence. With the final recommended "Key" is we might call it that being a study of the ILLUMINATI concept. I tend to look at the whole "Illuminati Spotting" thing as a hype. I did my own round of Conspiracy Theory Infatuation years ago and grew out of it when I became very rational. But I encourage its study for reading sake as it leads one through and understanding of the origins of the initiate orders which to me is fundamental to one understanding of Spirituology. There's alot of wonderful history to read if one pics this train of reading but stays sober. I at last after researching the "Illuminati" concept realized it was just a ruse to lead people away from un-sterilized knowledge and affiliated with the R+C lodge. I'm open about it because I know what "boys fear to tread" to learn. And it was just a confirmation to myself of everything I had ever known. The complete "Research Guide" will be up in mid-February.
